Spoken Language and Text Corpora
This is the story of a bird which can be seen in the country.
A street in the village
Amurin na kagakit traus natrauswen sees iskei. Natrauswen nen ipaakor Maarik Taap̃es. |
I want to tell you all this small story. The story about Maarik Taap̃es |
Taap̃es ipi man iskei nen kin nrak ilaap tutili na ito pregsaki nanr gakit. |
Taap̃es is a bird which, many times we say damages our bananas. |
Kulao nanr, taap̃es kin kefo pan pami, me nametmatuan ga kin ipi nlaken kin amurin na kagakit traus. |
You plant bananas, taap̃es goes and eats them, but his wisdom is what I want to talk about. |
Naliati iskei isos man laap rupak naor iskei. 'Me amurin na kafestaf mus nlaken |
One day he called many birds to one place. 'I want to talk with you because |
akit tupi man. Me itfale kin mal ito pregsaki kit, ito pam kit. |
we are birds. But why does the hawk hurt us, it eats us? |
Tete naliati kefo pato em̃ae. Ilemis kit tuto. Imai ipregsaki kit. |
Some days he stays away. He sees us here. He comes and hurts us. |
Me akit tupi talpuk iskei.' |
But we are a group.' |
Ito nrikir kin na, 'Amurin na tukmai pak naor keskei me tuktai raru keskei'. |
He said to them, 'I want us to come together to cut a canoe.' |
Go man laap runrikin kin na, 'Tkanwan tukfo tai?' 'Kineu kin kafo peiki mus kin tkanwan tuktai raru.' |
And all the birds said, 'How will we cut it?' 'I will show you how we cut a canoe.' |
Go rupak naor iskei go itli na rufan tai raru. Rupan tai raru. Rusol nkas, nkas nen kefo pi nel. |
And they came together in one place and he said they would cut a canoe. They cut the canoe. They got the wood, the wood would be 'nel' wood. |
Rupanpanpan rupan pregi ruto naor iskei. Me ruwat, |
They went and arranged it so they could be in one place. And they hit |
rupkasai ruwat ne na, nkas nen ipi nel gar. |
they chopped the tree, their 'nel' tree. |
Pan tkal kaaru katol kafat. Rupregi panpanpan |
They hit it a second, third, fourth time. They worked it until |
itaos pot iskei, ito sal. Me itili nag, 'Mal teflan tukfo pakruk.' |
it looked like a boat, it floated. But he said, 'This is the time for us to come together. |
Man laap rumai: mantu, sokfal, |
Many birds came: flying fox, owl, |
taap̃es. Ga kin ipi naot. Ser man laap nen runomser mai tu naor iskei. |
and taap̃es. He was the chief. All the birds came to stay at one place. |
Go ina, 'Amur na kanrik mus ki na tukfo kol.' Mapul ito p̃anrer, |
And he said, 'I want to tell you we should cry out'. The pigeon cooed, |
too ito taar ser man runomser preg na nawesien gar teflan kin rutae, mantu ikai. |
the rooster crowed, each of the birds did their work as they knew how, the flying fox cried. |
Malnen rupan tu raru gar nentu go kinrikir ki na, 'Malnen tuktu.' |
Then they went to the boat and he said, 'Now we'll stay here.' |
Ser teem̃ol nen ruknomser preg naler kefak elag. Me kulek maal ipes |
Every animal called out at the top of its voice. But you look, the hawk started for |
ntaf. Itao ntaf mai. Kule perkati. Malnen imaimai maimai kefo tao nrir lfeki kit panpanpan inom. Kefan pato em̃ae. Malnen iler maimai maimai na, |
the hill. He left the hill and came. You see, truly. Then he came, flying around us until he finished. He flew off a long way. Then he came back, |
Rutu panpan panpan mai imai tu lfekir mai. Ito preg nrag naknin teflan kin kefo- |
They were there until he came down, came and put his fingers like he should. |
imur na kekinki tefla. Go akam kofrafer. |
he wanted to pinch us like that. And you scattered. |
Me kefo lulki naknin rufak nmal nanr pa. |
But he would come and stick his fingers in the middle of the bananas and go. |
Go ipi mal gamus nen kin itu kop̃akro tukkrakpni. |
And it is your time now, our time to cover him, to kill him. |
Runrogo kaitu. Ruto kol mapul ito kol me ito p̃anrer. |
They heard him and stayed there. They called, the pidgeon shouted, but he cooed. |
Ser man nen rupreg sup̃ nen ruto pregi. |
Each bird followed its habit. |
Too ito taar, go maal itao ntaf. E maarik go kimai. |
The rooster crowed and the hawk left the hill. 'Eh, here he comes.' |
Ipo to peikir ki n pak etan teflan kefo nrakut tete pan pami, |
He would show them his claws (to scare them) as if to show them how he would grab one and eat it. |
malnen ipato em̃ae panpan po na ler na imai. Go taap̃es inrikir ki ø na, |
then he went a long way, then he came back. And taap̃es said to them, |
'Kin kemai malfanen kemai kefo nrakut tete ki. Malnen kuleka iwel preg nrag naknir, rupak elag tefla, |
'As he comes now he will grab some. Then, you look, he will stick his fingers on top like this, |
malnen imaimai maimai pak etan. Go tukfa fserser me kefo lulki naknin nmal nanr.' |
then he will come down, down, down. And we'll go our different ways, but he will put his fingers in the banana.' |
Go ipi mal gakit nen tukkrakpni. Ruleka go mal imai nrir lfekir panpan inom, pan pato em̃ae trau, |
And it is their time (for revenge), they kill him. They watched and the hawk flew down around them until he finished and flew a long way away |
preg nafarun teflan traus nrir pe nrir me nrag naknin rupe pes. |
then he looked like he was going to fly but his fingers were ready. |
Malnen imaimai maimai ipak m̃eltig na kenrakut tete kir teflan go rupaamaot |
Then he came close to grab some of them, and they scattered. |
Me nrag naknin ilul pato na nanr to. Ipregnrogo nen kefreglua, me kipe kano nlaken nanr imailumlum, |
But his claws stuck in the banana. He tried to get out but he couldn't because the banana is soft, |
pot ga nen kin imtalua. Imetmatu pregi. |
that's the boat he chose. He got wise. |
Malnen kin ilulki nrag naknin rupato nanr ipregnrogo nen kin inrir nen kefreglu nrag naknin me ikano. |
As he put his claws into the banana he tried to fly away, but he couldn't. |
Go ipi maal nen rup̃akro, rutai me mantu ikati. Me ser man nen runomser p̃akro, go |
And it is the hawk that they covered, they cut him (and bit him) but the flying fox bit him. But every bird covered him and |
nam̃olien ga inom, imat. |
his life was finished, he died. |
Go ipi esuan natrauswen sees nen ipaamau wes. |
And that is where this small story ends. |
This is the story of a bird which can be seen in the country.